Saturday, January 8, 2011

6 Months and Counting...

Okay, this is real now. I am actually starting to show (some days more than others) rather than just looking like the holidays were rough on me. It is a little surreal. Matthew actually said the other day that we needed to actually start doing things to prepare, because it is real now. I guess it just took me getting fat for us to realize that we are actually going to bring a little life into this house. And more importantly the little life that is coming into our house in approximately three months is NOT (in no way shape or form) going to like our relaxed and laid back life style.

Here is a quick 6 month update:
  • I finally have a better appetitie. Gone are the days of eating like a bird. I can actually finish a meal. And there are most days that I must have a snack in between meals. I am sure my doctor will be glad to hear this since I am still 5 pounds below my pre-pregnancy weight.
  • My current foods are: MILK and tons of it! Oranges, cereal, orange juice, apple juice. And the shocking introduction of pickles into my diet.
  • I get hot super easy. So if you see me and it is freezing outside and I don't have a coat on, please understand that I am pregnant and I am hot 95% of the time, unlike our house to quote my wonderful husband.
  • I don't sleep well. Mainly because I wake up on my back and freak out because that is in my book of no-no's. I have never been a back sleeper, so why am I now?
Matthew says that other than being hot all the time and wearing different pants I haven't changed a bit. Awe, isn't he sweet. I know in the back of his mind he is really thinking that I am crazy, he just won't admit it. Trust me, I know he has to be thinking I am somewhat crazy because we have been working on the nursery together and well...well...we will just leave it at the fact we have been working on the nursery together. LOL (pics to follow)

Here is a picture from Christmas Day. 22 weeks


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