- Isabella currently has a facination with buses. We listen to "The Wheels on the Bus" every time we get into the car and it is so cute when she does all of the motions. On our way to Patty's I plan it so we can see four buses and three we get stopped by. In the sweetest voice she asks for, "more". Most people would get frustrated at being stopped by three buses a day, but I love it because she smiles so big when she sees them. Then, in the afternoons Patty has her wait by the door so she can see two more buses.
- If she thinks it is time for you to play with her, get her something to eat, or go upstairs...Isabella ever so politely says, "pup" as she puts her hand under your bum to get up and go with her. It is so hard to say no to that.
- Her clock puzzle keeps her very busy. She is very good at getting the shapes right and she is even starting to get the numbers in the right direction. We are missing the #4 right now and she will ask, "four?"
- At night we have a very strict routine. Bath, diaper, baby, taggie, blankie, kiss baby, and "stickesses" (kisses) for Isabella. She reminds us if we miss something.
- Isabella knows where the cookies are and she is persistent when she wants one. She will stand beneath the cabinet where they are located, rub her fingers together (as if she was snapping), and repeat "coooky" until one of us gives in. She will do the same for "choc" (chocolate milk) but she knows that only daddy gives into that request.
- 9 out of 10 times we get in the car she will ask if we are going to Nene and Papa's house. I will usually give in about twice a week.
- When she wants an animal to come to her she will pat her legs, curl her fingers in the come here action, and blow (whistle). It usually scares more than it helps, but to the shelter dog we adopted for a week it worked every. single. time.
- Still not a night sleeper. I don't see an end in sight. Until his love for his paci fades or he can get his fingers in his mouth like his sissy, I will unfortunately be getting up ALOT to put that paci in his mouth.
- Patty just raves about how good he is out there and he truely is a great baby.
- He is very alert to his surroundings. Sunday he even watched YouTube videos with Daddy and Sissy in bed.
- Owen comes by his nickname of stinky very honestly. And he gets his other nickname of Little Rodney when he is fighting bedtime. Nene doesn't like that nickname, but hey, sometimes he can just be a grumpy ole man!
- Brown and Navy are the most handsome colors for him.
- People always comment about how much he favors his big sister. That just makes me super happy because I don't think that my brother and I look much alike.
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