In the past week you have really sprouted on up. You actually fit into newborn clothes now. Socks look like socks now and not leggings. It is amazing just how much you have "filled out" in the one month that you have been alive. Don't get me wrong you are still tiny as can be and I love it, but it is highly evident that you are growing. I just started your baby book and it has a place for your weight and height each month. We went and got great-granddaddy's fishing scale and weighed you in a receiving blanket. You weight 6 pounds 14 ounces. You have gained a full pound in the first month of your life. You also gained an inch and a half because you measured right at 19.5 inches long. SO BIG! (well in comparason to a month ago) You still eat 3.5 ounces but sometimes that isn't enough to fill your hollow leg so we have to supplement here and there.
This week you have made tremendous strides in being more alert. You like to lay on the floor stretch out and play. You look at your giraffe and just "talk" to it. I can wind that thing up and let it play music about 10 times before you get tired of laying there and want something new to do, which is usually sleep. Playing on the floor really tuckers you out.
You have really been sleeping less during the day and saving it for at night. You eat your 11p.m. feeding and usually don't wake up again until your 5a.m. feeding. This mommy will take it. However, it is well known that the strongest muscles on your little body is your forehead. You don't want to miss a thing and fight sleep until its death!! It is getting harder and harder for mommy and daddy to convince you that sleeping is a good thing and that you won't miss a thing.
Here are a few of my favorite pictures from your 4th week of life:
We painted your toe nails light pink...
You really started to like this seat and help mommy cook dinner in it...
You started sleeping in your bed day and night, but we still can't get you to give up your "bubble seat"...
See I told you that you were starting to chunk up...this is your first fat roll...
I see these pretty blue things more and more each day because you are sleeping less...
These are your official 1 month mommy/daughter photo shoot:
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