This isn't the best picture but it is obvious that this is the prettiest little girl God ever created!
...Well this appointment I was 35 weeks and 5 days. I was nervous since they had contemplated induction. I knew my blood pressure had been bouncing around the high points. BUT (I like but's in this case) this time my blood pressure "wasn't too bad, it is a little border line but an improvement from the last visit" My doctor told me she was on the fence about induction this week. I wasn't quite 36 weeks, which is where she wanted me to be for induction. My blood pressure had improved. She had decided that she was going to do an ultrasound and if anything was abnormal with my ultrasound she would induce, but if it looked good she would push on! My little girl scored an A+ on her first official test EVER. So being that she is so amazing...Dr. Mann is going to push on for another week. If all is well next week we may even push on for another week. We are just week to week right now, but either way we are going to have a baby soon. We will no longer be a family of four, we will be a family of five. (oh yes, the boys definately count as five)
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