Tuesday, March 29, 2011

35 Weeks 5 Days Appointment

Okay so I know I have been a bad mamma and haven't posted about all my appointments during my pregnancy, or even any major mile stones, BUT this particular appointment was monumental in my book. My last appointment was BAD. No doubt about it, bad! My blood pressure had sky rocketed, I was sweating my booty off. I spilled some proteins (bad in pregnancy lingo). I was swelling...EVERYWHERE. And I was sent off to the hospital with the comment of, "I just want you to get to 36 weeks if possible."

This isn't the best picture but it is obvious that this is the prettiest little girl God ever created!

...Well this appointment I was 35 weeks and 5 days. I was nervous since they had contemplated induction. I knew my blood pressure had been bouncing around the high points. BUT (I like but's in this case) this time my blood pressure "wasn't too bad, it is a little border line but an improvement from the last visit" My doctor told me she was on the fence about induction this week. I wasn't quite 36 weeks, which is where she wanted me to be for induction. My blood pressure had improved. She had decided that she was going to do an ultrasound and if anything was abnormal with my ultrasound she would induce, but if it looked good she would push on! My little girl scored an A+ on her first official test EVER. So being that she is so amazing...Dr. Mann is going to push on for another week. If all is well next week we may even push on for another week. We are just week to week right now, but either way we are going to have a baby soon. We will no longer be a family of four, we will be a family of five. (oh yes, the boys definately count as five)

Friday, March 18, 2011

12 days...

Today we had our 34 week check up.
Previsit Info:
At my last appointment my doctor was a little concerned with the fact that my blood pressure had been creeping up over the last couple of visits. I just knew I was done for when I showed up for this appointment. I had been super stressed over the last two weeks trying to train a new person as well as tie up all loose ends that I have going on. I have been stressing about this. And the cherry on top was the fact that both Luke and Cooter had been diagnosed with a bacterial infection and was pottying blood in the house!! (plus it was going to take a couple of days to clear up - think a really bad UTI) All of this plus just the normal stressors of becoming a mom for the first time. Yeah my blood pressure was up. WAY UP!

I got to the doctor and was slammed with some of the office's "new policies" and signing a stack of forms, Again! As soon as I sit down I have to get right back up because the nurse calls me back to do my pre-visit work up. I get on the scale (yuck). Then the good 'ole pee in a cup, which for those of you women who know is a trick in its self trying to manage the big belly, the cup, and the pee. For some reason the air conditioning is broke and the office is like 90degrees, which I am good with 65 degrees right now. I am pouring down in sweat. Then comes the blood pressure. The nurse makes a face. I ask how bad. She says we will take it again in 15 minutes. I sit in the room waiting on the doctor. The heat light is on from the previous person that had to get undressed so they could be comfortable ya know. I am sweating. She checks it again. Worse face. Doctor comes in with admitting orders to the hospital for observation and explains my new diagnosis of pregnancy induced hypertension.

Off to the hospital we go. Me and Isabella. Matthew joins us after he leaves work. My blood pressure comes down with some rest. The blood work looks good. I get more paperwork and we are now back at home. I get some orders for rest and relaxation. HAHAHA! (Did I mention that my mom and grandma are coming this weekend and that my MIL is throwing me a baby shower tomorrow.) The main info that we found out today, is that she will be inducing me at 26 weeks gestation. If she sticks with this plan that will be March 30th. OMG that is 12 days away!! OMG I have so much stuff to do! Oh wait I am supposed to be resting and relaxing... No wonder pregnant women's blood pressure gets elevated!

On a interesting note: At my baby shower in IL my BFF Lisa picked March 30th for my due date on the baby pool. How interesting. At the time it seemed so out of reach, but now maybe not so much.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

An Anniversary I Would Only Remember

Yep I have an anniversary today. It isn't an anniversary most people remember, but I am told that I am not like most people anyways. Three years ago today I packed up and moved on. I moved away from my comfortable lifestyle into the unknown. I was happily employed, a new home owner, and a recent college grad. I had a great circle of friends, knew many people in the area, and wasn't but a hop-skip-and jump away from home (well my mom's home). But I gave all of these wonderful things up. I packed up and moved far away. I rested faith not only in Him but also in him:

Little did he know that so much pressure was on him for everything to be perfect. I had never done anything so impulsive. I was leaving something that was so comfortable for me at the time for something that was so unknown. We had no commitments to each other. I didn't have a job. I had some family in the area, but really I was just stepping out into the biggest risk I had ever taken in my life. But I felt at the time that it was a bigger risk to our relationship for me to stay where I was (6.5 hours away). Three years ago TODAY I put all my things in the back of a 17ft moving truck and moved to Tennessee.

Little did I know where we would be today. Today we have been together for about three and a half years. We have been happily married for two and a half of those years. Our first real child will join us in a few weeks. Who knew that such a big risk would turn out to be the biggest joy of my life!

I know today that I made the right choice. I have known this since the day I said "I do." Matthew is my best friend. He is my strength when I am weak. He is my laughter when I am sad, and well anytime. Many times I take him for granted and for that I should be ashamed because without him I would never be the same person. Each prayer I pray always asks the Lord to bring us closer than the day before. Our relationship is beautiful. Who other than the Lord above could have created such a beautiful thing such as us.

Thank you for being such an amazing husband. You are my super hero! I love that you are my best friend. I love that I can run to you with all my news. Good, bad, happy, sad - you are there! I am excited to start this next chapter of our lives. I couldn't imagine turning this page with anyone else. Happy three year anniversary of one of the first hurdles of the rest of our lives together. I love you.

People said it would never work out

Living our dreams has shattered all doubts

It feels good to prove 'em wrong

Living our love song