Well blogworld it is official...I am a terrible blogger. Actually I don't really think I am a terrible blogger, I just wish for one more extra hour a day. I really NEED to keep up with all the little details in our lives though. It is important to me. What if... What if someday I wouldn't have such a wonderful family to blog about? What if I one day all of a sudden I didn't have the ability to remember my most memorable moments. I have to do this, I must do this. So because of that, I am really (I mean it this time) going to try (hey I do have a family to keep up with) to stay faithful to this blog. So first things first, we must play catch up.
Man of the house, Matthew, has been busy as ever at work. Not at the same work, but he started on a new endevour at the start of 2012. Instead of supervising the warehousing and shipping car care products he now is in charge of the safety and quality control of the warehousing and shipping of a very popular brand of potato chips. Yes, he gets to eat as many potato chips as he wants while he is at work but we have to buy ours at the house to enjoy. Matthew and Uncle Andy have also taken on another big adventure. They are up to their elbows in a full blown remodel of our sunroom. I am so proud of them. Between the two of them and their knowledge plus the ability to watch YouTube how-to videos, Isabella will have a new play room in just a few more weeks. We are also looking forward to the flowers and pumpkins that he has planted for us.

I on the other hand, I have had very little change to my life. Same job, same full time job as a mommy and part time housekeeper. I have had my hands full with Isabella that I have been horrible at taking pictures but I will give ya what I've got.
Isabella on the other had has had MAJOR milestones, MAJOR changes, and MAJOR exciting times.
We have switched her from this:
to this:
We have had our first hair cut:
But our biggest milestone of them all is this one:
World watch out because Isabella can walk. She took her first steps to Grandmama (04/28/12) one day and hasn't stopped since. I would say that she officially was a confindent walker at 14 months. Now she is almost 15 months and she is getting a little too confindent.
Your current likes are:
Fig Newtons
Nutrigrain bars
Turkey Lunchmeat
Animal crackers
Carrots (funny side story is that you were eating them so much the doctor commented how orange your skin looked)
Anything with chocolate
You loved whole milk from the start and your cup is usually empty by the time you get to Patty's
You love Patty's Papa. (We hope he gets better soon so he can come spend the day with you again soon.)
Your nursery-rhyme songs and your Everlasting God CD's
Of course green blankie - I call you my little Linus because you will drag that thing EVERYWHERE!!
You are facinated by screw on lids.
You still love your bath (as long as you aren't too tired)
Your Grammy bought you a sand & water table for Easter/Birthday and you will spend all day playing with it if possible.
Swinging & Sliding
Who am I kidding you just LOVE to be outside.
You can say:
Yes (you can also shake your head, yes)
No (and you can also shake your head, no)
Mine (but it sounds more like nine)
Thank you
Drink (it sounds like 'nink)
And when you are trying to say a new word you usually just whisper it to yourself. It is strange, but very cute
Size 4 Diaper
Size 4 Shoe (but you really prefer to go barefoot)
18 months clothes (some 12 months still fit)
24 month swimsuits
Approximately 25ish pounds
Approximately 24 inches tall
At you 12 month check up you were actually growing into your head though
And the most important stat to add to Isabella's list:
Big sister!
Now that you are all caught up, it will just be up to me to keep up!!