Isabella you have been with us for two weeks (and some days) now! I still don't think reality has set in that I am a mommy yet. Hopefully this next week it will really set in that you are my daughter and that you will be relying on me for all your needs. Not that I mind the visiting, but I am ready for some alone time with you. The first week you were home my mother, your Grammy Oetjen came to visit and help (and boy oh boy did she help) for a week. And this week my grandmother, your Great Grandmother Fedderke came to visit for the week. But between them visiting and everyone else wanting to stop by and see you or watch you sleep I haven't gotten any time with you alone. This may sound really selfish but it is what I need right now. I was asked if I had gotten the "baby blues" and this is my only "baby blue." I want to just snuggle with you and hold you every second you are awake. I want to look you over from head to toe. Instead of just feeding you and bathing you I want to interact with you. That's my "baby blue". Even if I haven't gotten my mommy time with you I have had some great moments with you that I want to share.

Your Aunt Sherry came to visit you again. You are always so calm in her arms. And she just really enjoys you being in her arms. (Mommy is pretty calm when you are in her arms, too.)
You and your daddy have really had some great times bonding. When he walks in the door in the evenings you just kick your legs as quick as they go. You used to kick my belly when your daddy walked in the door. And now you get just as excited on the outside.
You have met your Great Grandma Fedderke. You weren't sure about her at first, but slowly but surely you are warming up to her. (Now if she would just quit bouncing/rocking you so you would quit getting sick you may approve of her)
We have started to transition you into your crib. You are doing great. Now people just need to leave you alone and let you sleep in there so mommy and daddy can get some sleep in their bedroom.
We visited daddy at work after your doctor's appointment. Anything to cheer you up from that mean 'ole doctor.
We found out that you look great in blue. It is definately your color and daddy isn't upset that it happens to be his favorite color.
Your brothers have been really good about you being in the house now. They are still sweet little kitties, but they just keep their distance when you are crying.
You are getting more bright-eyed. Don't get me wrong you do plenty of sleeping, but in the afternoons you wake up for quite a while. Long enough for mommy to do a quick photo shoot.
And when you do sleep of course it is the most precious thing in the world!! It makes mommy melt to see you snooze. And I have to check your breathing every so often.
But it is moments like these that just make being a mommy the best job in the world. I love those little smiles. (and they really help get daddy wrapped around your finger)
I have three very memorable moments from this week.
**After putting you on your changing table half asleep you all of a sudden let out a gut wrenching scream. I couldn't understand it because you were just sleeping and I hadn't even taken your clothes off yet. Upon further inspection I noticed that you had clenched some of your hair on mistake and was pulling rather hard. I had to giggle a bit because it was just too cute. Soon enough you will realize "cause and effect" this means that you will also soon realize that you will know that if you pull your hair that it hurts. Until then I will just keep taking your hair out of your hand and kiss it to make it all better.
**Yesterday I took you outside for one of those quick photo shoots. I sat you in your favorite seat next to the flower pots by the front door. You took one big stretch and accidentally grabbed a wet mushy flower. It scared you half to death (mommy laughed, oops) After some quick snuggles we were back on track for our quick photo shoot but you were much more cautious where those little hands were going (and mommy was too).
**Tuesday after daddy went to work you were wide awake, and quite frankly I wasn't. So I propped you up on daddy's pillow and put a pillow on the other side of you so you wouldn't roll off the bed. You snuggled into his spot just nicely and sound asleep we went. It was a great moment for my heart (and my sleepiness). Now I know I will catch flack for letting you sleep in bed with me but my disclaimer is that you were surrounded by pillows and that all precautions were taken. So all you mommy police just sit back down.
Isabella mommy loves you and I want the best for you. I am looking forward to this next week and all the cute moments we will have together. Quit growing so fast so I can soak it all in before it is too late.