No, literally he lit up my life.
Last Sunday I went shopping with Matthew's mother. I had a great time. I figured it would be a good test to how I would handle going back to work the next day. Plus, I really needed to get out of the house! And oh how I get excited about going to Target!
Well while I was gone Matthew was SUPER busy! We have always talked about decorating our house at Christmas, but we have just been too lazy to do so. This Sunday Matthew saw the opprotunity and took it. He had gone to Home Depot and found some really great lights. Matthew on our roof, I know this sounds so safe, right? But somewhere in the midst, Bobby came over to help supervise his great adventure. Thankfully.
Later that evening we all met up for dinner at Olympic. Bobby and Matthew came to meet Nancy and I and it was wonderful. After eating we were all going to come back to our house and mingle, just like we always do on Sunday's, and I had no clue what was in store for me when I got home. As we pulled around the corner to our house I saw it. And the smile on my face was brighter than the lights on the house (if that is possible). It was gorgeous! The roof was outlined in multicolored lights and the walk way was lined with snowflakes that twinkled and cute little snowmen, my favorite! It was just how I had ever imagined it. It was wonderful and oh so very sweet. Matthew just knew how happy it made me. I am so proud of the lights. Here are some pictures of our very very special Christmas lights.
Sunday, December 13, 2009
Monday, December 7, 2009
The Thanksgiving We Will Never Forget!
After the scare of Brad's accident behind us, all we could think about is how thankful and lucky we are to be surrounded by such wonderful family and friends. No better way to celebrate that than with some good times with the family on Thanksgiving!
This year we stayed in Tennessee for Thanksgiving. We had a wonderful lunch at Matthew's grandparents house. It wasn't the entire Hughes crew, but we were thinking about Martin, Fliz, Olie, and Elizabeth. It is always an interesting time over there. Our evening was solely dedicated to my family out at my Aunt Sherry's house. It was just as interesting and just as wonderful. And eventhough it wasn't the entire Oetjen crew, the one's that were not there were in our hearts as well as my mother and all of her family. We couldn't ever thank God enough for all the many blessings that He has given us. Blessings we take for granted each and every day. Something that I am reminded shortly after I downed the last deviled egg and finished up the last traditional game of Pinochole at Thanksgiving.
Later Thanksgiving night, I had a severe case of indigestion (or over eating). As Matthew and Andrew Hughes are watching who knows what on TV, I quietly retreat to the bedroom to go to bed early. No, I was not getting up for early morning shopping. Yes, I realize that it is the long Thanksgiving break. The only thing I really had to do the next day was be at the house for the delivery of my new washer and dryer! But, all I wanted to do was curl up in a ball and sleep.
9a.m. Friday morning the door bell rang. Our washer and dryer was here. In the back of my mind I wanted to be excited, but the only thing I could think about was the terrible pain in my gut and the horrible urge to vomit my internal organs out. I stayed in bed while Matthew and the delivery men set up the appliances. I put a load in to wash, watched in awe for about 2 minutes (I didn't want Matthew to think that I didn't appreciate them) and went back to bed. As I crawled into bed, Matthew crawled in the shower. No sooner did he get in the shower and get wet did I start screaming "Honey, I need to go to the hospital I think I am going to die!!" Followed by me yelling many of times, "hurry" and "now" and my favorite "I'm going to die!" Many of you know that Matthew has a very laid back personality, well that also applies to his abilities to get excited about a situation and in this situation I swear his speed was a negative number. Anyways, back to me dying...LOL.
By 10:20 we were in the car and on our way and screaming the entire way to Baptist East in Memphis. (the same place we just were with Brad two days prior) and by 11:15 I was in the ER. The initial thought was that I had appendicitis since my white count was extremely high. However, the CAT scan showed I had a ovarian cyst. The ultrasound showed I had an ovarian cyst. But, the ER doctor just wasn't sold on the fact that an ovarian cyst was causing me this much pain. After a surgical consult they were opening up the surgery center for my emergency open (yes, open) appendectomy, since it was closed for the weekend. By 11:00 that night I was in surgery and by midnight, just like Cinderella, I was in my hospital "suite" HAHA!
On the up and up, I just wanted to finish this entry with a couple of thank-you's. First, I want to thank my mom. Thank you for putting up with me being bossy and somewhat crabby when you came and helped me recover. And for putting up my Christmas decorations, it wouldn't have gotten done otherwise. Next, Nancy you were amazing. I know there were many big sales that you missed, but instead you spent two very boring days at the hospital helping me along with a speedy recovery. Just the companionship at the hospital helped the time not go by as slow as it possibly could. Andrew Hughes, thanks for giving part of your Saturday night to bring me a sweet balloon and a couple good giggles. Brad, thank you to you and your dad for the beautiful roses. They brought a pleasant smell to a not so pleasant hospital room. To all that called or chatted with me online, just the little thoughts or comments helped minimize the bordem. Finally (and definately most importantly), Matthew, as I have been writing this blog you lay beside me asleep in bed and I am crying tears of joy for you. You have done so many things that have made such an impact on my heart. You are so very unselfish. You make me your first priority, not just when I am sick or hurting, but EVERYDAY. I would like to think that I do the same for you, but it just isn't as obvious as all the wonderful things that you have done for me. You were the last person I saw before I went into surgery and you were the first person I woke up to afterwards. I could never make this up to you. I just don't know how. You did so much to make such a bad experience such an easier one. Sleeping on that terrible couch, or well not sleeping at all, doing the laundry, bringing things to the hospital, keeping me as comfortable as possible, my beautiful rose bush, watching the cats, and the list can go on and on. I am just so very thankful to have such a wonderful husband. As much as I hated the entire situation, it made me realize how much I really am blessed. And as this UGLY scare fades away, I know that the blessings of my family and friends never will. Thank you!
This year we stayed in Tennessee for Thanksgiving. We had a wonderful lunch at Matthew's grandparents house. It wasn't the entire Hughes crew, but we were thinking about Martin, Fliz, Olie, and Elizabeth. It is always an interesting time over there. Our evening was solely dedicated to my family out at my Aunt Sherry's house. It was just as interesting and just as wonderful. And eventhough it wasn't the entire Oetjen crew, the one's that were not there were in our hearts as well as my mother and all of her family. We couldn't ever thank God enough for all the many blessings that He has given us. Blessings we take for granted each and every day. Something that I am reminded shortly after I downed the last deviled egg and finished up the last traditional game of Pinochole at Thanksgiving.
Later Thanksgiving night, I had a severe case of indigestion (or over eating). As Matthew and Andrew Hughes are watching who knows what on TV, I quietly retreat to the bedroom to go to bed early. No, I was not getting up for early morning shopping. Yes, I realize that it is the long Thanksgiving break. The only thing I really had to do the next day was be at the house for the delivery of my new washer and dryer! But, all I wanted to do was curl up in a ball and sleep.
9a.m. Friday morning the door bell rang. Our washer and dryer was here. In the back of my mind I wanted to be excited, but the only thing I could think about was the terrible pain in my gut and the horrible urge to vomit my internal organs out. I stayed in bed while Matthew and the delivery men set up the appliances. I put a load in to wash, watched in awe for about 2 minutes (I didn't want Matthew to think that I didn't appreciate them) and went back to bed. As I crawled into bed, Matthew crawled in the shower. No sooner did he get in the shower and get wet did I start screaming "Honey, I need to go to the hospital I think I am going to die!!" Followed by me yelling many of times, "hurry" and "now" and my favorite "I'm going to die!" Many of you know that Matthew has a very laid back personality, well that also applies to his abilities to get excited about a situation and in this situation I swear his speed was a negative number. Anyways, back to me dying...LOL.
By 10:20 we were in the car and on our way and screaming the entire way to Baptist East in Memphis. (the same place we just were with Brad two days prior) and by 11:15 I was in the ER. The initial thought was that I had appendicitis since my white count was extremely high. However, the CAT scan showed I had a ovarian cyst. The ultrasound showed I had an ovarian cyst. But, the ER doctor just wasn't sold on the fact that an ovarian cyst was causing me this much pain. After a surgical consult they were opening up the surgery center for my emergency open (yes, open) appendectomy, since it was closed for the weekend. By 11:00 that night I was in surgery and by midnight, just like Cinderella, I was in my hospital "suite" HAHA!
The only thing sweet about this room was my husband that was waiting for me in it. He would only leave my side if he had to. He is one of the best people that God has blessed me with. He made his self at home (as best as he could) in my room. It was a weekend full of up's and down's. Matthew made sure that everything I needed was done. During the day he would go home and take care of Cooter, Luke, cleaning, and laundry. It was so sweet, so special, and just meant the world to me. He knew if he didn't that I would be going crazy thinking about everything that he needed done. Matthew wouldn't leave unless he knew someone would be by my side at the hospital. He wasn't going to leave me there alone for one second. Nancy took a shift on both Saturday and Sunday. My mom came into town on Sunday night and she took the duty on Monday while Matthew had to go to work.
Speaking of Monday, I got to come home! Finally, I was home. Finally, I got to take a shower. Finally, I got to sleep in my own bed. Finally, I got to see my two boys. Finally, I got to see all the sweet and wonderful things that Matthew had done while I was gone. My nightmare was over. Just a couple of doctor's appointments to follow up with and some recovery time to go.
Saturday, December 5, 2009
A very, very thankful Thanksgiving!
On the Wednesday before Thanksgiving, most people are rushing home from work to get the house ready for guests or to get on the road to spend the holiday with their families. Not us, we were rushing to the Emergency Room. Not for either of us (yet) but for our good friend Brad. Matthew works with Brad and has since become a really good friend of our family. Even Luke and Cooter are excited when Brad comes over.
Matthew was already on his way home from work when he got the call from his work that Brad had been in a serious accident. Brad wrecked his motorcycle. He had jumped off of his motorcycle. After he jumped off of his motorcycle, the bike went underneath a FedEx truck causing an explosion and engulfing the truck in flames. Luckily the FedEx driver was okay, but Brad had some bumps and bruises he needed looked at. Matthew and I went to the ER. Brad was doing okay. He had a broken arm and a broken leg. He had a helmet on so nothing serious happened to his head. Several hours later we got to leave. All we can say is that we are thankful that Brad is okay. God really had a hand in the accident. Brad is lucky and we are lucky and very thankful to still have him in our lives.
Matthew was already on his way home from work when he got the call from his work that Brad had been in a serious accident. Brad wrecked his motorcycle. He had jumped off of his motorcycle. After he jumped off of his motorcycle, the bike went underneath a FedEx truck causing an explosion and engulfing the truck in flames. Luckily the FedEx driver was okay, but Brad had some bumps and bruises he needed looked at. Matthew and I went to the ER. Brad was doing okay. He had a broken arm and a broken leg. He had a helmet on so nothing serious happened to his head. Several hours later we got to leave. All we can say is that we are thankful that Brad is okay. God really had a hand in the accident. Brad is lucky and we are lucky and very thankful to still have him in our lives.
We had dinner tonight with Brad and his sister. Brad is doing much better than he was, which was great to see. Matthew is thankful that he is going to be back at work on Monday. But more importantly we are thankful God didn't take our great friend away from us.
Sunday, November 22, 2009
Hot Fire...yeah, yeah, yeah
With all the craziness of Cooter behind us (I hope), I finally get to blog about something else. Not that I don't love my Cooter and want to share his sweetness with everyone, but I know you must want more excitement than that.
Fire is not an uncommon thing at the Hughes house. I grew up with a family full of pyro's, so it was only appropriate that I would marry one right? I knew I was in for some interesting days when someone asked him if he had notified the fire department that he had moved. We have had many bon fire's at our house and our previous method of lighting the fire involved no less than 5 gallons of gas. For Matthew's birthday, Andrew decided that buying him a flame thrower was a good idea. All I can say is that I will always be certain our home owner's policy is up to date.
Fire is not an uncommon thing at the Hughes house. I grew up with a family full of pyro's, so it was only appropriate that I would marry one right? I knew I was in for some interesting days when someone asked him if he had notified the fire department that he had moved. We have had many bon fire's at our house and our previous method of lighting the fire involved no less than 5 gallons of gas. For Matthew's birthday, Andrew decided that buying him a flame thrower was a good idea. All I can say is that I will always be certain our home owner's policy is up to date.
Last weekend we had two fires at our house. One that was intentional, and one that was well...not so intentional. Andrew brought some friends home from school and asked if we would have a bonfire at the house so they would have something to do. It was a great time. Even with Cooter home and recovering it was still nice to relax and just was the fire. We got to share our home with friends and family. It was wonderful.
No fire is ever small at our house. We don't do those whimpy little fires that you can't sit more than five feet from. It must be big. Matthew spent all day scrounging up some wood, which was good because I spent the day cleaning the house. (which was pointless by Sunday morning)
Matthew loves having fires! Scarey huh?
Now back to that second fire that I was speaking of. Our washer has been trying to kick the bucket for months now. We had nursed it along for quite some time, but hey I can't complain it was given to us for a whopping $30 from Matthews mom. Saturday as I was cleaning and I was on my next to last load it started to make this terrible electrical burning smell. And then on came the smoke. Yep it was done. We unplugged it and said good ridance. Until, my brother came along plugged it back it back in and did a load of laundry. While his load of laundry was going he went to take a shower. In the mean time, Matthew and I came home to a house full of smoke. You could see the smoke from the outside. So, on the 40degree night we opened all the windows and turned on all the fans and put the following sign up.
Just another day in the Hughes House!!
Saturday, November 21, 2009
Cooter's Big Adventure
As I have previously blogged you know that my sweet and precious Cooter fell and broke his leg. It has been one of the most exhausting two weeks of my life. (Yeah, can you believe that a kitty can cause that much grief??!!) So let me give you and update on Cooter’s big unfortunate adventure.
On Thursday, November 12, Cooter had a metal pin and five stainless steel clamps put in his hind leg. No big deal, right? WRONG…big WRONG! We picked Cooter up from the hospital on November 13. Yep, Friday the 13th. Never have I really been a believer of superstitions, but I may have actually changed my mind. I joked that it might have been a bad idea that we were picking our black cat up from the vet on Friday the 13th, but never did we ever think we were in store for this.
Which leads us into today…the first morning of our marriage that we woke up before 8 a.m. on a Saturday morning. But we had to go get our baby from the hospital. I was nervous. I just wanted my sweet and loving kitty back, not the crazy cat that wouldn’t even let me touch him. We got there and I knew immediately that he was better. When they brought him to us he just purred and was bright eyed and attentive. Ahh…we immediately let out a sigh of relief. I think we are on the right track now. Cooter is happy to be back at home, and we are ready for the next hurdle of our life.
Cooter and Luke settled in at home. (Hopefully for good)
On Thursday, November 12, Cooter had a metal pin and five stainless steel clamps put in his hind leg. No big deal, right? WRONG…big WRONG! We picked Cooter up from the hospital on November 13. Yep, Friday the 13th. Never have I really been a believer of superstitions, but I may have actually changed my mind. I joked that it might have been a bad idea that we were picking our black cat up from the vet on Friday the 13th, but never did we ever think we were in store for this.
This is Cooter coming home from the vet for the first time.
Friday night me and the boys (Luke and Cooter) settled in at home while daddy went out with Andrew, because he was home from school. Friday night was great! Cooter seemed to be making significant improvement. Saturday was another great day as well as Sunday. Monday Cooter ran out of pain medicine. He didn’t seem to be hurting too bad, so we took him to spend the day with Great Grandmom Hughes. (Mainly so she could make sure he was staying on his exercise restriction.) Tuesday was the beginning of what was the longest week of our lives with Cooter. We woke up and got ready to go to Great Grandmom Hughes’ house and I was going to work. Cooter was not having any interaction with anyone, including his best friend Luke. I knew he was hurting. I took him to Grandmom’s anyways and called the doctor. He wanted to see him, so back to Memphis we went. Cooter ended up staying for two nights, because he was in so much pain because the pin in his leg was putting major pressure on his sciatic nerve. I was not happy. Two days later he was better and ready to come home. The night he came home he was fine. We stayed strict on his medicine, but still the next morning he was not doing well at all. Cooter was even dragging his leg like it was limp. Back to Memphis he went with Nana (That’s Nancy…lol) Sure enough my instincts were right. It was worse. So much worse that they took Cooter back into surgery the same day. That was yesterday at 5:00 p.m. They cut the pin down so it would take the pressure off of his nerve because they were concerned about permanent damage.
Which leads us into today…the first morning of our marriage that we woke up before 8 a.m. on a Saturday morning. But we had to go get our baby from the hospital. I was nervous. I just wanted my sweet and loving kitty back, not the crazy cat that wouldn’t even let me touch him. We got there and I knew immediately that he was better. When they brought him to us he just purred and was bright eyed and attentive. Ahh…we immediately let out a sigh of relief. I think we are on the right track now. Cooter is happy to be back at home, and we are ready for the next hurdle of our life.
Cooter and Luke settled in at home. (Hopefully for good)
Friday, November 13, 2009
Cooter is Coming Home!
Yesterday, Cooter had surgery to repair his leg. Thankfully they were able to put a pin in his leg to correct the fracture. He may have to later have the pin removed, but for now it looks like he is going to be okay. Yay!
Which is good for Luke because he is lonely and about to drive his mommy INSANE!! He has slept on my pillow all week! Demanding of some major attention and he got some major attention this morning by getting his fat belly caught in a pair of my pants. Oh what fun.
On a more thankful note... The crew at the Shelby Center for Animals has been wonderful not only to Cooter, but to Matthew and I as well. I couldn't be happier with the way they handle business there. They treat the animals just like I do, like my sons. I think it is wonderful and they even call me mommy. Matthew stopped by last night on his way home fro work to visit him and I am so thankful that he did because who wants to be in a hospital anyways. I'm certain Cooter enjoyed his company.
Which is good for Luke because he is lonely and about to drive his mommy INSANE!! He has slept on my pillow all week! Demanding of some major attention and he got some major attention this morning by getting his fat belly caught in a pair of my pants. Oh what fun.

Our cats are just as much a part of our family as any other family member and as many of you call me crazy and cat lady, until you have a pet of your own that you share your deepest, darkest secrets with don't poke fun at me. I love my cats and my cats love me.
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
Our Poor 'Lil Cooter
Last night was a rough night at the Hughes Residence. Monday’s are rough enough, but this particular Monday took the cake! Work is slowing down for Matthew since the weather is turning cooler and less people are buying car wash, so he had the opportunity to take some time and go to dinner with his bosses and a gentleman from the company that he is contracted through. However, my work is starting to rev up since the economy is starting to turn around. Saying this, I have been more and more exhausted lately making it a “puurrfect” night to be home alone with my two wonderful children, A.K.A Luke and Cooter my two precious kitties.
I had my night all planned out! Clean the kitchen…check. Do laundry…check. Vacuum the floors…check. Snuggle up on the couch and watch my planned TV shows (which I might add that I started watching this week’s CSI trilogy) with my wonderful kitties. All went well and sure enough once I was ready to watch some TV Luke was right there ready to snuggle. Where’s Cooter you ask? He was locked upstairs after my cleaning spree.
Once Matthew called to let me know he was on his way home I found Cooter and let him and Luke outside to go potty and get their last energies out before bedtime. It was WAY past the Hughes’ bedtime so I didn’t figure this would be a problem, but as I have learned many of times since joining this family, never EVER assume anything!
Luke was ready for our bedtime ritual once Matthew came home, but once again Cooter was nowhere to be found. I called for him; I was shaking his treats, and looking all over for him outside. This is not a good sign for a cat that is usually on our front porch chasing bugs. Matthew finished his shower and came outside to help me look. After quite a bit of searching we heard a tumble and then a splash. Nothing appeared for quite some time, but when it did it wasn’t good.
There he was. There was Cooter. He was drenched in water from head to paw, and speaking of paw he was dragging is rear one. I just lost it. Matthew retained his composure as I lost mine grabbed some towels and dried him off. Yep it is broke. Broke bad.
I knew as a mommy I was going to have a long night. Sure enough it was longer than I had originally anticipated. I slept with Cooter on the bathroom floor. I had my blankie he had his. By the morning he had my blankie and pillow and I had his. His blankie consisting of only a towel, but I made due. He moaned and groaned and I did to. This morning after Matthew had gone to work Cooter and I finally got a good piece of shut eye with Luke outside and the bed all to ourselves.
So this morning I wrapped up my ‘lil Cooter and took him to our most trustworthy vet, Dr. Clay. He knew immediately that it was broke and gave him a sedative so he could go to work on my baby. He is supposed to let me know by the end of the day how he is doing. I know he is in good hands. Dr. Clay is so great with my kids and I know that He is taking care of him as well. I honestly think that I am hurting more than my “lil Cooter, but I will be missing him and praying for him. I will update as soon as I get updated. Until then, my house will be a little empty.
I had my night all planned out! Clean the kitchen…check. Do laundry…check. Vacuum the floors…check. Snuggle up on the couch and watch my planned TV shows (which I might add that I started watching this week’s CSI trilogy) with my wonderful kitties. All went well and sure enough once I was ready to watch some TV Luke was right there ready to snuggle. Where’s Cooter you ask? He was locked upstairs after my cleaning spree.
Once Matthew called to let me know he was on his way home I found Cooter and let him and Luke outside to go potty and get their last energies out before bedtime. It was WAY past the Hughes’ bedtime so I didn’t figure this would be a problem, but as I have learned many of times since joining this family, never EVER assume anything!
Luke was ready for our bedtime ritual once Matthew came home, but once again Cooter was nowhere to be found. I called for him; I was shaking his treats, and looking all over for him outside. This is not a good sign for a cat that is usually on our front porch chasing bugs. Matthew finished his shower and came outside to help me look. After quite a bit of searching we heard a tumble and then a splash. Nothing appeared for quite some time, but when it did it wasn’t good.
There he was. There was Cooter. He was drenched in water from head to paw, and speaking of paw he was dragging is rear one. I just lost it. Matthew retained his composure as I lost mine grabbed some towels and dried him off. Yep it is broke. Broke bad.
I knew as a mommy I was going to have a long night. Sure enough it was longer than I had originally anticipated. I slept with Cooter on the bathroom floor. I had my blankie he had his. By the morning he had my blankie and pillow and I had his. His blankie consisting of only a towel, but I made due. He moaned and groaned and I did to. This morning after Matthew had gone to work Cooter and I finally got a good piece of shut eye with Luke outside and the bed all to ourselves.
So this morning I wrapped up my ‘lil Cooter and took him to our most trustworthy vet, Dr. Clay. He knew immediately that it was broke and gave him a sedative so he could go to work on my baby. He is supposed to let me know by the end of the day how he is doing. I know he is in good hands. Dr. Clay is so great with my kids and I know that He is taking care of him as well. I honestly think that I am hurting more than my “lil Cooter, but I will be missing him and praying for him. I will update as soon as I get updated. Until then, my house will be a little empty.
Monday, October 26, 2009
Bear with me...
I am new to this blogging thing. I wanted to start it as a sort of scrapbook of our life together. Slowly but surely it is all coming together and hopefully soon I can start updating on a more day-to-day basis. But for now...I am just testing the waters. Plus if you know me I want nothing to be the same as anyone know...different.
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